The Bhagwati Hospital offer comprehensive ENT care and non-invasive diagnostic services for our patients with “Human Touch”. This includes consultation with one of our ENT Specialist as well as an ongoing evaluation, diagnoses and medical treatment of injuries and diseases of the ear, nose and throat disorders which are caused by common infections, such as Common Cold, Congestion, Ear Infections Symptoms of an Ear Infection which include Epiglottitis, Fluid in Ear, Mononucleosis (Mono), Rhinosinusitis, Runny Nose, Post Nasal Drip, RSV, Understanding Tonsillitis, Swimmer’s Ear, Sinus Infections, Strep Throat Symptoms, Whooping Cough. We believe that prevention of any disease offers the best outcome, and we offer services designed to promote primary prevention of ENT problems. The thorough evaluation starting physical examination to determine if further testing (lab work or other diagnostic testing) is an indication to reduce the odds of events or disease in the future.
Surgery for Tonsils Surgery for Adenoid Surgery for DNS Mastoid surgery Ear Surgery Parotid Gland surgery Endoscopic Sinus surgery
ENT Doctors
Dr. Rashmi Choudhary ENT Specialist MBBS, MS (ENT) Mon /Wed/ Fri – 10 AM to 11 AM ( Daily)